Gut and Skin Health Expert Blog | The Y Collection

How to Find the Best Supplements for Ageing Skin

by Jelena Vulevic on Jan 05, 2023

Ageing skin is certainly among the top beauty concerns for both men and women on a global scale, but even with so much attention drawn to the subject, it hasn't been easy to determine how to slow or reverse this very natural process. With opinions varying greatly, even among scientists, there seems to be at least one clear point of agreement: that skin ageing does not have one individual cause and responds best to a combined treatment approach

As a consequence of the complexity of the issue, the market has been flooded for years with anti-ageing skin products, including a wide range of supplements with wildly different compositions and many bold benefit claims. That's why, If you are one of the many out there looking for the best supplement for ageing skin, you will have likely noticed how quickly it can turn into an overwhelming search process, but don't worry. This guide was created to help you with just that. Simply read on to find out more about the science behind ageing skin, the most common supplements available in the market and how to pick yours. 

Finding the right anti-ageing skin supplements doesn’t have to be a chore. Find out how Y SKIN can help. 

The science behind ageing skin 

Our body is cleverly built to take care of itself, including aspects like skin health and appearance, but if it's true that skin ageing is a natural and inevitable process, it is also something which can be accelerated under certain conditions. The problem starts when the body is not able to perform at its best. As the body's largest organ, the skin often displays the effects of poor bodily functions happening at just about any part of our system, and sometimes it comes in the form of intensified ageing. 

Skin ageing can certainly be intensified due to genetic factors, but it's most commonly a product of combining an unhealthy lifestyle with external aggressors. External aggressors account for the effects caused by environmental factors, such as pollution and sun exposure. Lifestyle, lack of sleep, high levels of stress and smoking all have a significant impact on skin ageing, alongside our eating habits. 

The statement above probably won't surprise most people, but some might still wonder about how exactly all of it leads to skin issues. In a nutshell, all the elements included in the bad combo we have just described will, in one way or another, lead to increased levels of inflammation throughout the body. The accumulated inflammation will hinder your body's efforts to repair the skin, and in slowing down that important repair process, leave you with increasingly older-looking skin. 

Some of the most popular anti-ageing skin supplements and what they can do for you 


Collagen is probably the most well-known substance when it comes to anti-ageing skin supplements and is widely commercialised, in part, due to its low risk for side effects. While, according to some studies, collagen does indeed have the potential to improve skin health, it would be wise to take many of the product claims you see out there with a grain of salt. 

Most collagen-based supplements provide the amino acids required for collagen synthesis, but the actual results will depend, among other variables, on how well your body is operating to begin with. The better your body functions, the more efficiently it will be able to use those amino acids in the production of collagen. To this end, gut health will be especially important, as it affects both the absorption of those amino acids and how well they will be used in the collagen synthesis. Here too, the level of inflammation plays a big role, and the less inflammation you have, the better the supplement's performance. 


Curcumin is a major active component of turmeric, an Indian spice used for centuries both for medicinal and culinary purposes. As a skin health supplement, curcumin has been adopted to help address inflammation in the body, allowing it to perform better in all its functions. 

Here it's important to notice that curcumin's anti-inflammatory properties make it useful for reducing inflammation that's already present, but not for its prevention. More complex and well-rounded supplements, such as Y SKIN, are required in order to prevent the accumulation of inflammation in the gut, allowing the body to fully reach its genetic potential.

Vitamins A, C, D and E 

Nearly every beauty-related article you can find, after offering a round of tips and product recommendations, will add a note on the importance of a healthy diet to see effective results, and for a very good reason. Food acts as fuel in the body and is what allows it to function properly, realising processes such as repair and rejuvenation. Without the right nutrients, our organism will operate to a less-than-optimal standard, and symptoms will begin to appear in many areas of the body, including the skin. 

Vitamins are among the most essential nutrients for our overall health, with vitamins A, C, D and E being especially important for skin health. Vitamin C, in particular, has been the subject of extensive research regarding its anti-ageing effects, with some studies suggesting benefits from its consumption in supplement form for boosting collagen production. Most studies, however, have focused on the results from the topical use of vitamin C, and have found that it has both hydrating and brightening properties and potentially skin-tightening effects. 

Vitamin B12 

Vitamin B12 is one of those substances which are involved in a myriad of functions within the human body, and are therefore a go-to supplement to help with many different symptoms. Due to its role in the fundamental process of cell reproduction, a lack of vitamin B12 can interfere with our body's ability to keep the skin young and healthy. Adequate intake of this vitamin will also be important to ensure that your hair and nails stay healthy, but there is no clear evidence that supplementation with vitamin B12 when a deficiency is not present will offer additional benefits to skin, hair and nail health. 

Prebiotics and Probiotics 

Both prebiotics and probiotics in supplement form are a great way to improve your gut function, and looking after your gastrointestinal health will, in fact, result in benefits that go way beyond how your skin looks. 

The point of attention here is that prebiotic and probiotic-based supplements alone might not be enough to reap results, because they require an ideal environment to produce the bioactives that enable a healthy gut function. If the gut has a good microbiota, meaning, if we have the right diet and lifestyle habits that foster a good gut environment, then these microorganisms will soon get to producing the bioactives that will lead to better bodily functions and eventually healthier skin. If those conditions aren't present, those results might simply never come. 

Luckily, through innovative technology and thorough clinical research, you can now pick a supplement, such as Y SKIN, which directly delivers the required bioactives, regardless of those conditions. In fact, Y SKIN can be used as a complement to any of the supplements mentioned in this section, increasing their efficacy by optimising the body’s natural function. This is not to say, however, that one will achieve great skin health without prioritising a balanced diet and lifestyle, but that this kind of technology helps guarantee the best results in combination with those two elements.


Resveratrol is a plant compound found in certain foods, such as peanuts and in the skin and seeds of grapes and berries. It is also the reason behind the famous claim that having a bit of red wine is actually good for you. Given that alcohol consumption has already been identified as something that can in fact damage the body and skin, especially in large amounts, that's not the kind of intake we will discuss here. 

Even though you could ingest some resveratrol through a regular diet, the amount of resveratrol-rich products one would have to consume to see any skin-related results would make it quite difficult, and that's why supplements were developed. As a polyphenol, resveratrol acts in the body by protecting it from free radical cellular damage, which can be responsible for the appearance of a number of age-related conditions. In addition to its more noticeable ability to protect our cardiovascular and brain functions, studies have also found evidence that the use of resveratrol as a dietary supplement can contribute towards better skin moisturization, texture and elasticity, and reduce the depth of wrinkles.

How the gut and skin are connected 

An unbalanced gastrointestinal tract is often an important trigger for a number of skin issues, so a healthy gut should rank high among the priorities of anyone interested in slowing down the skin ageing process. 

The reason behind this nearly direct correlation between gut health and skin health is something known as the Gut-Skin axis. The Gut-Skin axis represents the close relationship, and constant interaction between the microorganisms that populate our digestive system and those which live on our skin, and their constant interaction. In a nutshell, a healthy gut should be able to properly absorb nutrients that are the basis of the processes that support your skin’s good condition and complexion. In contrast, when our digestive tract is out of balance, the ripple effect will take the signs of that imbalance all the way to your skin, including in the form of accelerated ageing. In these cases, probiotics can be used to help normalise gut function, although the ideal approach would be to prevent those issues altogether through good lifestyle habits and the use of high-quality gut health supplements, such as Y GUT sensitive. If you are not sure how to find the best gut health supplements, know that the best formulas will include a mix of prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics. A quick research should be able to get you familiarised with the most important ingredients, but a good start would be to check if the label mentions bifidobacteria, for example, which is a staple for immune function support.     

What you should look for when searching for the best supplements for ageing skin

Science-backed products are always the ones most likely to yield the results you expect, so don't be afraid to get into the nitty-gritty, checking what kind of professionals worked in developing the product and being diligent to verify the manufacturing company's reputation. Be sure to also look for supplements which have undergone rigorous clinical trials and consumer testing. When it comes to beauty, the most trendy product might have drawn its fame not by delivering consistent amazing results, but often via clever marketing campaigns, so stay alert and avoid getting carried away with the crowds into buying a beautiful package that will fail to deliver on what really matters.

As with any health-related subject, the single best source of advice regarding the ideal anti-ageing supplement will be a doctor, preferably a dermatologist in this case. After carefully researching your options and collecting information from science-based sources, such as, you can schedule a consultation with your dermatologist to clarify any doubts and hone in on the best skin health supplements for your specific needs. 

How to tell if your skin health supplements are working 

Although most anti-ageing products tend to focus on wrinkle reduction, when it comes to skin health supplements there are other ways to tell if they are actually working.  

Since high-quality skin health supplements, such as Y SKIN, contribute to more balanced immune and endocrine functions, from the third week onwards you should start to feel more alert and energetic, experience less food-related digestive discomfort and even sleep a little bit better. More prominent skin benefits will begin around the sixth week after the first intake. That's when you should be able to notice positive signs that your supplement is doing its job, such as better hydrated and softer skin, the presence of a natural and healthy glow, and increased elasticity. Bad symptoms will also have started to subside, with dry and itchy flares becoming a thing of the past.

Key takeaways 

As you have seen, the subject of ageing skin remains a complex one, and the expectation that any single product can work as a definitive one-stop-shop solution for the issue can be considered unrealistic, at best. When it comes to improving your skin's condition and slowing down its natural ageing process, the best approach is to rely on a combination of topical anti-aging cosmetic care, well-developed skin supplements and a set of healthy habits. By taking time to do some research and consult a medical professional, you will be able to find science-backed products for ageing skin that actually deliver on their promises, and avoid not only wasting a lot of money on well-marketed goods which can potentially do you more harm than good in the long run. 

Your search for the right anti-ageing skin supplement doesn’t have to be a struggle. Find out what Y SKIN can do for your skin health today.