Does Gut Health Affect the Skin? Yes, Here's How.
Gut and Skin Health Expert Blog | The Y Collection

Does Gut Health Affect the Skin? Yes, Here's How.

by Jelena Vulevic on Jan 18, 2023

A wise man once said that beauty comes from within, and nothing could be more true when it comes to our skin. If you feel like you have tried nearly every cosmetic product and procedure under the sun but your skin issues simply won't go away, you are not alone. 

The reason behind your frustrated cosmetic efforts has likely little (or nothing) to do with the quality of the procedures and products you have used, but with the fact that most people are simply looking at the wrong place for a solution. In this article, we will explain why the quality of your digestive function can have a direct impact on your skin, and how you can successfully identify and address your gut-related skin issues. 

Your gut and skin have many things in common. Find out how The Y Collection products can help you improve both. 

How is gut health related to skin health 

A number of studies have identified a special relationship between the gut and the skin, which explains why people with poor digestive health often experience skin issues that cannot be solved by even the most sophisticated skin care treatment. This direct correlation, known as the Gut-Skin axis, is, unfortunately, something that most people have no idea about, and which could probably have saved them a lot of time and effort in the pursuit of healthy skin. 

But how exactly can what's happening in our digestive system impact what our skin looks like? Well, in simple terms, your gut health is what determines your body's ability to properly absorb and redirect the nutrients contained in your food towards the processes which keep your skin looking young, clear and healthy. In turn, your gut health depends on how well the microorganisms that live within your gastrointestinal tract (your microbiota) are working with your body. There is a fine balance which allows your microbiota to properly do its job and benefit the host, and any disturbance in that balance will send ripples throughout the body, causing more or less severe symptoms, depending on how significant that disruption was. 

A deficient diet, poor sleeping habits, and high levels of stress are some of the most common factors that can push the microorganisms in our gut to generate harmful compounds and toxins, instead of the bioactives that support good skin health. The presence of these substances in the organism can lead to inflammation, hormonal imbalances, the synthesis and breakdown of collagen and elastin fibres, and a number of other undesirable processes that ultimately result in skin issues. 

Yes, this is essentially why your beauty products can't completely rid you of your skin woes - because they are only addressing the symptoms and not the root cause of the issues you see in the mirror. 

Common skin problems caused by gut issues 

Although genetics certainly do play a part in how our skin looks, determining, for example, what our skin type is, a good number of the skin issues we experience are caused by the state of our overall health and of our digestive health, in particular.  

Some of the most common skin concerns that can have poor gut function as their underlying cause would be the following:

  • Acne
  • Rosacea
  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Persistently inflamed or dry skin
  • Keratosis Pilaris, a.k.a. “chicken skin”

In addition to what's listed above, premature ageing is also an issue which can stem from digestive problems, and is among those most difficult to reverse once damage has already happened.  

How to get a healthy gut for better skin 

Just as applying concealer won't actually do away with the pimple we are trying to cover, no amount of skincare will eliminate the skin issue that is, in fact, just a byproduct of a malfunctioning gut.  

To effectively create the conditions for your skin to thrive, your best bet will be to rely on a simple but powerful trio: diet, lifestyle and supplementation. Here's what you should be looking for regarding those three areas in order to achieve the best results. 

Supplements for gut and skin health

Once you have understood how gut health affects skin health, it's time to look for the tools that can help you reestablish that all-important digestive balance. 

As some may already know, the quickest way to get your gut function back on track is to supplement with biotics such as probiotics, prebiotics and postbiotics. By including biotic-based supplements in your diet, you will help ensure that your gut ecosystem becomes as diverse and effective as it needs to be to do its job and enable other bodily functions. Although at first glance gut health supplements may all look the same, it’s important to pay attention to the details and select a well-developed product, which has not only probiotics but also bioactives such as prebiotic and postbiotic that impact how those probiotics work to achieve overall gut health, as is the case with Y GUT sensitive.

Adding a skin health supplement to your self-care routine will also do much more for your complexion than applying most beauty creams currently available on the market. The trick here is finding the right skin supplement for your needs, and that starts with looking for well-researched science-based products. The benefits of high-quality skin health supplements, such as Y SKIN, actually go way beyond better-looking skin, also contributing towards an improved immune function, increased energy and alertness levels, and more restful sleep. 

Diet & lifestyle for skin and gut health 

As previously explained, your daily habits can be a triggering factor for the gut imbalance that culminates in unhealthy skin. However cliché this piece of advice may sound, it is indeed such a fundamental part of nurturing your skin back to health that we simply can't skip mentioning it. 

The chemicals released by the body when someone is under stress have the potential to make the skin more sensitive and reactive, and even interfere with its healing processes, so managing your stress levels can actually do wonders for your skin. In addition to avoiding excessive stress, a decent amount of sleep and regular physical exercise will also be critical in establishing and maintaining optimal gut and skin health, but a good diet is perhaps the most significant factor in this equation. Fibre and probiotic-rich foods are your gut's best friends, so be sure to add items such as whole grains, beans, nuts, kefir and yoghurt to your shopping list. Stay away from highly processed foods as much as possible and don't forget to stay hydrated. Other key things to avoid are the use of alcohol and smoking, which, as you know, can damage much more than just the appearance of our skin.

Key takeaways 

Now you know it: while no miracle cream will fix the skin problems caused by an unhealthy gut, there is plenty that you can do to start healing from the inside. Reach out to your doctor for advice on how to establish a diet and lifestyle that can support a healthy gut function, and rely on the technology present in high-quality gut and skin supplements to guarantee the best results. 

Your gut and skin have many things in common. Find out how The Y Collection products can help you improve both.